
Past Activities:

    Special Issues

    1. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, Leading Guest Editor, “Dynamic Grid State and Parameter Visibility: Enabling the Next Generation of Energy Management System,” 2022-2023.
    2. IET Renewable Power Generation: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energy Systems.
    3. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution: Next Generation of Synchrophasor-based Power System Monitoring, Operation and Control (Please see the published SI for more details)
    4. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy: Special Section on State Estimation for Future Cyber-Physical Power and Energy Systems: Challenges and Solutions (Please see the published SI for more details)
    5. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems: Data-Analytics for Stability Analysis, Control, and Situational Awareness of Power System with High-Penetration of Renewable Energy

      IEEE PES Subcommittee, WGs/TFs

      Bulk Power System Operation Subcommittee

      IEEE PES Renewable Systems Integration Coordinating Committee

      IEEE Working Group on Power System Static and Dynamic State Estimation

      IEEE Working Group on Distribution System State Estimation (DSSE)

      IEEE Task Force on Cyber-Physical Interdependence for Power System Operation and Control

      IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems

      IEEE PES Renewable Systems Integration Coordinating Committee

      IEEE Task Force on Behind-The-Meter Distributed Energy Resources: Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Control


      • Secretary, IEEE PES Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee, 01/2023-present
      • Webmaster of the IEEE PES Analytical Methods for Power Systems (AMPS) committee, 09/2023-present
      • Technical Committee Program Chair (TCPC), IEEE PES Renewable Systems Integration Coordinating Committee, 05/2024-present
      • Secretary, IEEE PES Renewable Systems Integration Coordinating Committee, 01/2022-05/2024
      • Chair, IEEE PES Connecticut Chapter, 02/2022-present
      • Chair, IEEE PES Working Group on Distribution System BTM DERs: Visibility, Analytics and Control, 08/2023-present
      • Co-Chair, IEEE Working Group on Power System Static and Dynamic State Estimation, 08/2021-present
      • Chair, IEEE Task Force on Dynamic Parameter Visibility: Identifiability, Algorithms and Uncertainty Quantification, 05/2023-present
      • Chair, IEEE Task Force on Cyber-Physical Interdependence for Power System Operation and Control, 02/2020-present
      • Chair, IEEE Task Force on State Estimation for Integrated Energy Systems, 03/2021-present
      • Chair, IEEE Task Force on Behind-The-Meter Distributed Energy Resources: Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Control, 08/2021-08/2023
      • Co-chair, IEEE Task Force on Evaluation of Distribution System State Estimation Algorithm Performance, 08/2020-present
      • Secretary and Liaison, IEEE Working Group on Power Distribution System State Estimation, 08/2019-present
      • Secretary, IEEE Task Force on Risk Mitigation in Bulk Power System Operation, 08/2021-present
      • Secretary, IEEE Task Force on Synchrophasor Applications in Power System Operation and Control, 08/2018-present
      • Chair, IEEE PES Mississippi Chapter, 01/2021-12/2021
      • Chair, IEEE Mississippi Education Committee, 01/2021-12/2021
      • Chair, IEEE Task Force on Power System Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation, 07/2017-12/2021.
      • Chair/Co-chair of panel sessions, IEEE PES GM 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023
      • Panel reviewer, Department of Energy Office of Electricity, 2018-now
      • Panel reviewer, Department of Energy SETO Office, 2018-now
      • Committee Member, IEEE Smart Grid Operation Committee
      • Committee Member, IEEE 2050 and Beyond Subcommittee
      • Committee Member, IEEE Smart Grid Technical Activities Committee
      • Senior Member, IEEE Power Engineering Society

        Conference Committee:

        • International Advisory Committee, IEEE PowerTech 2025
        • Technical Program Committee, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm)
        • Technical Program Committee, 116th International Conference on Advances in Education and Information Technology (AEIT 2024)
        • Technical Program Committee, 2024 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Selected Areas in Communications: Smart Grid Communications
        • Organizing Program Committee, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, NA, 2024
        • Technical Program Committee, 2024 4th Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC 2024)
        • Committee Member, IEEE Power & Energy Society Outstanding Student Scholarship, 2023-present
        • Program Co-chair, 4th International Conference on Advanced Electrical and Energy Systems (AEES), 2023
        • Technical Program Committee, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm)
        • Organizing Program Committee, IEEE PES Grid Edge Technologies Conference and Exposition, 2023
        • Technical Program Committee, The 12th IET International Conference on Renewable Power Generation, 2023
        • Technical Program Committee, 2023 3rd Power System and Green Energy Conference (PSGEC 2023)
        • Technical Program Committee, International Summit on Power and Energy Engineering (ISPEE 2023)
        • Organizing Program Committee, 8th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE), 2023
        • Organizing Program Committee, 7th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE), 2022
        • Technical Program Committee, 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Selected Areas in Communications: Smart Grid Communications
        • Technical Program Committee, 2022 6th International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering
        • Technical Program Committee Co-Chair, IEEE PES ISGT, Asia, 2022
        • Track Chair, 16th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, 2022
        • Technical Program Committee, 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Smart Grid Communications Program
        • Technical Program Committee Vice-chair, IEEE I&CPS Asia 2021
        • Technical Program Committee, IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC) 2021
        • Technical Program Committee, IEEE SmartGridComm 2021, 2022
        • Technical Program Committee, 3rd Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium, 2021
        • Organizing Program Committee, 6th Asia Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering (ACPEE), 2021
        • Publication Program Committee, IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, NA, 2021
        • Technical Program Committee, 4th International Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering, 2021
        • Technical Program Committee, 8th International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Technology 2021
        • Technical Program Committee, AEIT Annual Conference, 2020, 2021, 2022
        • Organizing Program Committee, ICEEE Seoul 2020 conference
        • Technical Program Committee, 2020 Global Mosharaka Congress on Electrical Engineering
        • Technical Program Committee, 12th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2020
        • Technical Program Committee, 2nd Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium, 2020
        • Technical Program Committee, IEEE PES ISGT, Asia, 2019, 2021

          Working Groups:

          • Member, North American SynchroPhasor Initiative Distribution Task Team
          • Member, NERC Working group on load and renewable energy modeling
          • Member, NERC Working group on power plant model validation and verification

            Journal Reviewer:

            • IEEE Power Engineering Letters; IEEE Transactions on Power Systems; IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics; IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery; IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing; IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing; IEEE Signal Processing Letters; IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution; International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems; International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, etc.