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IEEE Working Group on Power System Static and Dynamic State Estimation IEEE PES Bulk Power System Operation Subcommittee Task Force: Power System Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation |
Objective of the Task Force
Prepare a report that clearly reviews its motivations and definitions, demonstrate its values for enhanced power system online monitoring and control as well as power engineering educations. Provide recommendations to vendors, national labs, utilities and ISOs in using of dynamic state estimator for enhancement of the reliability, security, and resiliency of electric power systems.
TF Papers and Technical Reports
J. Zhao, A. K. Singh, A. Mir, A. Taha, A. Abur, A. Gomez-Exposito, A. P. S. Meliopoulos, B. Pal, I. Kamwa, J. Qi, L. Mili, M. A. M. Ariff, M. Netto, M. Glavic, S. Yu, S. Wang, T. Bi, T. V. Cutsem, V. Terzija, Y. Liu, Z. Huang, Power System Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation-Transition to Power Electronics-Dominated Clean Energy Systems, IEEE PES Technical Report, TR88, 2021 (Won 2023 IEEE PES Outstanding Working Group for Outstanding Technical Report Award)
Y. Liu, A. K. Singh, J. B. Zhao, A. P. Meliopoulos, B. Pal, M. A. M. Ariff, T. Van Cutsem, M. Glavic, Z. Huang, I. Kamwa, L. Mili, A. Saleem Mir, A. Taha, V. Terzija, S. Yu, Dynamic State Estimation for Power System Control and Protection, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 2021.
J. B. Zhao, M. Netto, Z. Huang, S. Yu, A. Exposito, S. Wang, I. Kamwa, S. Akhlaghi, L. Mili, V. Terzija, A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, B. Pal, A. K. Singh, A. Abur, T. Bi, A. Rouhani, Roles of Dynamic State Estimation in Power System Modeling, Monitoring and Operation, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 2462-2472, 2021 (Won 2022 Best Paper from IEEE Transactions on Power Systems).
J. B. Zhao, A. Exposito, M. Netto, L. Mili, A. Abur, V. Terzija, I. Kamwa, B. Pal, A. K. Singh, J. Qi, Z. Huang, A. P. Sakis Meliopoulos, Power System Dynamic State Estimation: Motivations, Definitions, Methodologies and Future Work, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 3188-3198, 2019. (Highly Cited Paper according to Web of Science since March 2021 and won 2021 Best Paper from IEEE Transactions on Power Systems)
Task Force Motivations
The widespread deployment of synchrophasor measurement units on power transmission grids has made possible the real-time monitoring and control of power system dynamics. However, these functions may not be reliably achieved without the development of a fast and robust dynamic state estimator (DSE). Indeed, the estimated synchronous machines state variables can be used by power system stabilizers, automatic voltage regulators, and under-frequency relays to enhance small signal stability and to initiate generation outages and load shedding during transient instabilities, etc. During the 2017 IEEE Power Engineering General Meeting held at Chicago, the Working Group on State Estimation Algorithms decided to form a 3-year long task force on “Power System Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation” with an objective to define its concepts, demonstrate its values for enhanced power system online monitoring and control as well as power engineering educations.
Organization Committee
Task Force Chairman: Junbo Zhao, University of Connecticut
Vice-Chairman: Alireza Rouhani, Dominion Energy
Secretary: Shahrokh Akhlaghi, Southwest Power Pool
IEEE SE WG officers: Lamine Mili (Chair), Junbo Zhao (Co-chair)
Members: Member list (If you would like to join in, please contact me through email)
Subtasks and Leaders [here]
Motivations, concepts, state-of-the-art of DSE; DSE vs SSE, DSE vs FASE; an IEEE transactions paper is ongoing for that;
Estimate important parameters of generators and its associated controllers, dynamic load, transformers for model validation and calibration;
Establish standard test system with appropriate dynamical model and parameters for DSE testing, comparison and its related applications;
Address model and measurement uncertainties, observability using Lie-derivatives, data quality issues, non-Gaussian noise, cyber attacks, and multiple sources of data fusions;
Use cases for power system control, protection, dynamic security assessment, model validation and calibration.
Results and Report
3 Transactions papers, including one literature review paper about the motivations, concepts, state-of-the-art of DSE, two papers about the parameter estimation and the standard test system for DSE, respectively.
Final report to IEEE PES committee; a draft report with outlines and subsections will be created first for discussion; the major sections of the report will be composed of by several subtasks.
This TF will be at least 3-years long;
Interim reports of each subtasks are required for each TF year.
TF WebEx meeting will be held every month at the first 3 months as many issues need careful discussions and clarifications; then the meeting will be held every 3 or 4 months so that some progresses can be made.
Strongly encourage utilities, vendors, and national labs to participate and lead some subtasks;
Field tests with real systems and data are important.
This TF is closed and all publications can be found at the beginning of this page.
The second TF meeting was held on 1 December 10:45-11:45 AM EDT. The meeting minutes is here.
Kick-off meeting was held on 7 September 3:30-4:30 PM EDT. The meeting minute is here.
The task force has been created during the IEEE PES General Meeting 2017 held in Chicago.